2019 Milling Project Update



Although we went into full production on October 19, 2018 milling, we have had challenges and set-backs that slowed down our production. However, I am glad to report as of now the Mill is operating well. Our 2019 sales are excellent in spite of the increased cost (doubled) in corn by the ton. I was so happy to visit the Mill in January 2019 when I was in Uganda for the Annual RABS International Conference. I was accompanied by all of our National Directors and our RABS International Team and many visiting RABS leaders from all of the nations RABS is currently ministering in. We had many pastors from Uganda visit the Mill and everyone was so delighted to see the production and have a hand at hulling and milling with the help of the Mill’s professional millers.

The great increase in the corn cost is the result of a high-yield harvest in 2018 that saturated the market and many international traders bought much of the corn. In those areas where there are two and near the equator three annual harvests the lack of the latter year’s rain left the quality and quantity of marketable product at a very low production so demand and lack of supply has driven the prices to critical highs.

However, we have not lost hope, for we know the Lord is on our side and He is in full control of the weather conditions. We are believing Him and trusting for a another high yield this late Spring in particular areas and then again in the Autumn Harvest when much of Uganda soil is producing high-quality corn in vast amounts.

We welcome your prayers and your financial support to prevent a loss in the product as we are committed to helping the most vulnerable in the community and in those in various places we are ministering in–to learn more about that read the latest report from Pastor Denis and Rev. Eva Clive “RABS PASTORS RETURN…”

Thank you and God Bless you;

Pastor Cyndi Higgins



We have been preparing for the first day of operations at the Milling Project in Kiereka Kasokoso, Uganda. All electricity and special electrical devices and services for milling is completed.

All the water hook-ups completed and we have now served the community with clean and purified water for 2 months at a very low cost compared to the other water sellers in the community! The water sales will help pay the Mill’s Utility bills.

Our first load of corn, 9 tons, has been delivered. The final touches are being completed on the Mill’s machinery and will be installed on my, Pastor Cyndi’s,  61st Birthday (September 1st).  No better gift could I have asked our Heavenly Father for! Praise His holy name!  

Please join us in thanking the Lord of lord’s and King of kings our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus for His love and mercy He has extended through His grace in this kingdom assignment! No man or woman or ministry could have accomplished this if it had not been for God’s constant provision and protection!

We give Him all the glory and all the honor! For surely this is the manifestation of His unfailing love and we are forever grateful to Him! There has been no ministry funds used for this Milling Project, every expense has been literally provided by the Grace of Our Lord

Love and Blessings

Pastor Cyndi Higgins

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I am a missionary pastor to pastors on the mission field in East Africa. I began ministerial studies in 2007 and completed them in 2011 and I was then ordained by two international ministries, Free International Ministries and MCWE Ministries. Run Away Brides International Ministries used to be under the umbrella of Barefoot Gardens Fellowship beginning in 2010. In 2018 RABS International Ministries became an independent registered ministry in 2018. My volunteer role is the International Director of RABS. RABS brings runaway brides of Christ back to Him through conferences held in many areas in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. RABS also does humanitarian work in these nations.