404 Christian Leaders from 21 different Christian Denominations gathered in Mbalizi Tanzania to be encouraged and built up by the RABS International Team visiting from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, and the USA.Rev. Eve Clive Nansereko and Apostle Moses Bwire teaching pastors the Church needs to get into order and make herself ready for the coming of Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church. JESUS IS COMING SOON!These pastors in Tanzania were ready to learn not only how to evangelize runaway brides of Christ but how to build unity with each other regardless of denomination. Pastor Milton Wanyama taught them, “You need me and I need you!” It was so inspiring at the end of the session pastors were crying and hugging total strangers and saying over and over to one another, “I need you and you need me!” Praise God!
Many pastors in East Africa are trained and then ordained and sent to various areas. Many of them are sent to very remote areas and they minister well until they too are hungry for spiritual feeding. Oftentimes forgotten it seems, these pastors and even thousands in the large cities need pastoring themselves.
When we held the RABs International Pastors Conferences in Mbalizi, Tanzania, we had originally planned for 300 pastors/bishops, but 404 registered for the 3 day RAB conference and the Lord made a way for our Tanzania hosts to accommodate all of them.
Pastor to Pastor–Rev. Eve Clive Nansereko and Apostle Moses Bwire teach how when our love grows even a little cold just coming to church every Sunday or just preaching every Sunday is not enough to LIGHT the LOVE fire again! Jesus does not want lukewarm love, He wants hot love. He says in Revelation to the church “you are doing good, but I hold this one thing against you, you have forgotten your first love, repent and remember where you have fallen from.”
Please we ask you to remember your pastors in your prayers and in your well-wishing. Show them that you care and understand they are people just like you and they also suffer through many difficulties in life.
Don’t wait for Clergy Month to show them how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. Send your pastors to an annual clergy event designed to build them up and encourage them.
Be a blessing to those who bless you with love and understanding and feed you spiritually as God has called them to do.
Please consider making a donation, you will honor a pastor with this donation as 100% will go toward RABS Christian Leader Conferences.