Dear beloved Mum and Rabs board U.S.

Receive greetings from Kasokoso/ Mama Cyndi’s Milling Company. With much respect, I write this short report to you, appreciating you for the great support Mama Cyndi’s milling project has been doing for the last 5 years of its operation.

The above mentioned project has so far aided the vulnerable women, especially those elderly and single mothers in the community. People/women in Kasokoso community in conjunction with the Local Council chairpersons have not remained the same as evidenced in photos below.

On the 9th of April, 2023, Easter Sunday, Mama Cyndi’s Milling project compassionately gave out 300kg of flour worth 950,000 Uganda shillings. The number was quite high as we normally do but this time around, due to escalated cost of food in Uganda, we were able to give to 60 mothers each 5 kg (11.023 pounds) of maize / corn flour. We appreciate God and Rabs once more for this great support you always render to these people of God who are in need.

With due respect, we need more of your prayers for the Mill to bring this dream to its highest potential enabling it to give compassionately to more people of our community. We not only desire to physically feed them, but to also feed them spiritually, which we witness every time the Mill reaches into their lives with the gift of flour. We look forward to the days when not only we help feed these vulnerable people, but also we can help support RABS missions throughout East Africa.

May you live longer to see more of God’s goodness in this land of the living.

The financial donation was made possible from the monthly 25 percent of Mama Cyndi’s Milling monthly net profit. Every month the Mill donates 25% of its net profits to RABS Africa for ministerial and humanitarian purposes.

I remain yours,
Pastor Milton Wanyama
RABS Africa Coordinator

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RABSMINISTRIES?mibextid=LQQJ4d


WE GIVE THE LORD ALL THE GLORY! We wanted to give our testimony and be witnesses of the mercy of our Lord in what you are about to read. His love endures forever! We are grateful. 

Many Nations of East Africa entered into their typical ‘rainy season’ in late February 2018. Many prayers had gone up to the Lord for several months due to the 2017 droughts that devastated many portions of every East African nation. The harshness of the drought claimed many human and livestock lives as well as the crops and increased hunger to another 21st Century high in the region.

This year has proven to be any thing other than closed heavens as the rain has continued to fall at higher than normal volumes. Many nations and their citizens were caught off-guard as most nations worldwide are when suddenly the rivers and lakes and ditches and drains are filled to over-capacity. Many lives have been lost and many more are endangered. The suffering also includes that of the livestock and homes and farmer’s fields and newly planted crops caught in the high-rising waters washing away the works of their hands. Let us pray against LOSS!

We felt the same sense of loss when our Construction Engineer, Toto Sande went to check on the Milling Project’s foundation knowing that far beyond normal rainfall had saturated the community of Kiereka Kasokoso. Surely, he found the foundation was indeed on the verge of being compromised. WE PRAISE GOD! WHO enabled us to pull together a team and necessary materials to reinforce the building’s foundation. The Miracle, though, is the Lord truly stopped the rain from falling the 3 days that were necessary to do the work! 

NWSC (National Water and Sewerage Corporation) came May 2, 2018 and buried the necessary pipes for the building’s hook up to the city’s system. We are getting closer to our opening day of operations–Lord willing the corn will come in by the truck loads at harvest and many will benefit from the grace our Lord has given us for this Milling Project.

–Pastor Cyndi Higgins (May 11, 2018)

The Bridge washed over and submerged under flood waters. This bridge leads into Kireka Kasokoso, Uganda (suburb) of Kampala, where the Milling Project’s Building was just completed.

The water damage that the flooding rains had caused to the foundation of the Milling Project’s newly built building in Kiereka Kasokoso.

The water damage that the flooding rains had caused to the foundation of the Milling Project’s newly built building in Kiereka Kasokoso.

The continual rain water had no place to go so as it rose it began to erode the newly poured foundation of late 2017 of the Milling Project’s Building in Kireka Kasokoso

Pastor Milton’s home the water had risen so high it poured into his house.

Such hard rainstorms beating against the concrete with no place to go because drains are overflowing.

Construction Engineer, Pastor Toto Sande, and a worker quickly get to work to secure the Milling Project’s foundation. The work began May 7th and was May 9th–the photos of the clouds were taken by Pastor Milton just as the final work was being finished on May 9th 2018.

Pastor Toto Sande, our Construction Engineer takes special care of making sure the Milling Project building’s foundation is secured against any future water erosion caused by high-rising waters.

May 9, 2018, as the work on securing the Milling Project’s foundation is completed, the sky that had been sunny and warm without the threat of rain for 3 days showed the threats of new rain coming.

May 9, 2018, as the work on securing the Milling Project’s foundation is completed, the sky that had been sunny and warm without the threat of rain for 3 days showed the threats of new rain coming.

Pastor Sande and Pastor Milton visited the Kiereke branch office of NWSC to inquire when the water trenches would be dug and the pipes installed so the building would be connected to the city’s system.

This NWSC engineer came and dug the water trenches and laid the pipes so the building is ready to be connected to the city’s system. PRAISE THE LORD

The Milling Project’s installed city water pipes. GLORY TO GOD

Welcome to Run Away Brides International Ministries



6558 Dausman Park, Clarksville, MI 48815



  • The mission: Bringing back the runaway brides of Christ Jesus
  • Reaching runaway brides (RABS) of Christ
  • Teaching established Christian leaders how to evangelize RABS
  • Training Pastors and Christian Leaders and Congregations how to launch RABS Mission Ministries inside their church/ministry
  • Raising up RAB National, District, Regional, Area, and city/village Directors and Leaders to go within their jurisdiction to reach, teach, and launch other established Christian Leaders to bring the RABS back to Christ Jesus and the Church.
  • Helping ‘The Church’ prepare as the Bride of Christ for His return–Jesus is coming soon for His Bride the Church

Your donation to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ is very thoughtful and generous and we wish to bless you in Jesus’ holy name. We assure you the donation you have made will be used to take the Gospel to every possible region within East Africa that the Lord leads us into!