Dear beloved Mum and Rabs board U.S.
Receive greetings from Kasokoso/ Mama Cyndi’s Milling Company. With much respect, I write this short report to you, appreciating you for the great support Mama Cyndi’s milling project has been doing for the last 5 years of its operation.
The above mentioned project has so far aided the vulnerable women, especially those elderly and single mothers in the community. People/women in Kasokoso community in conjunction with the Local Council chairpersons have not remained the same as evidenced in photos below.
On the 9th of April, 2023, Easter Sunday, Mama Cyndi’s Milling project compassionately gave out 300kg of flour worth 950,000 Uganda shillings. The number was quite high as we normally do but this time around, due to escalated cost of food in Uganda, we were able to give to 60 mothers each 5 kg (11.023 pounds) of maize / corn flour. We appreciate God and Rabs once more for this great support you always render to these people of God who are in need.
With due respect, we need more of your prayers for the Mill to bring this dream to its highest potential enabling it to give compassionately to more people of our community. We not only desire to physically feed them, but to also feed them spiritually, which we witness every time the Mill reaches into their lives with the gift of flour. We look forward to the days when not only we help feed these vulnerable people, but also we can help support RABS missions throughout East Africa.
May you live longer to see more of God’s goodness in this land of the living.
The financial donation was made possible from the monthly 25 percent of Mama Cyndi’s Milling monthly net profit. Every month the Mill donates 25% of its net profits to RABS Africa for ministerial and humanitarian purposes.
I remain yours,
Pastor Milton Wanyama
RABS Africa Coordinator
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