December 2, 2018
Good morning mummy. We have just set off from the bus park. Divine strength, health and energy is ours in Christ Jesus name!! Mama Eve a little weak with flu and cough but braving on. Amen we have reached at around 7:30pm. The bus broke down along and mechanics fixed it in less than an hour. We are resting till tomorrow then go deep in the villages.
12/3/2018 We are teamed up with a sister who mobilized for most of the second-hand-clothes. We have four sacks ready for distribution but we are short of books and pens for the children who cannot attend school because they lack such. We only have seven dozen sets. We will be promoted to cut down on the books given to each child.
12/6/2018 Shalom with Love, mummy. Thank you for your prayers. We are going on well but my phone has jammed and I have lost most of the good photos and videos I had saved. We traveled well but the bus had a breakdown when we were remaining with about 120km to reach Kaabong town. We set off at 1am and reached 7:20pm. It’s a journey of close to 800km. With many bus stop overs. On Tuesday we went to the furthest center, close to 110km from town. Imagine one of the motorcycles we had hired developed a flat tire in the middle of the wilderness. The three of us had to mount one motorbike while the rest carried luggage. We were overwhelmed by the enthusiastic welcome we received. We preached, and showed the Jesus film. By night we could not move because wild elephants and zebras cross the road late in the evening towards Kidepo national Park. We had to sleep in open walled shelter. But even after we retired, village folks continued praising God with dancing up to midnight. Imagine praising in the open night without electricity, without a lantern or lamp, in the coldness. You couldn’t miss the joy.
The men guarded us with bows and arrows while we slept. The next morning, we ministered and 27 people gave their lives to Christ. We encouraged them to continue meeting and they appointed a member by the names of Simon to lead them in fellowshipping. We then moved to the next village camp and we ministered to children and adults. We prepared porridge and served both villages there after gave out clothes. These members also agreed to start fellowshipping and appointed their leader. It was pure revival as men women and children were taking a cup of porridge while receiving a gift of cloth. If all churches could experience that joy.
Today, we went to another subcounty. There are times, localities, situations that need the feet of an apostle and the declaration of a prophet for changes to be manifested. We visited this community last year and it was in a sorry unredeemable state. Around 12 people received salvation and agreed to continue fellowshipping. A few times mama Eve could send transport for a minister from the town church to go and encourage these saints. But most times we failed to send transport because we could not communicate with them because they had no phones. We prayed and declared the land for Jesus. We were amazed today Thursday to find a permanent church has been constructed and most of the people who got converted are active in church. Mama Eve encouraged the community members to cultivate a relationship with God gave them a testimony of herself. We also ministered to children and gave out clothes mainly to women because they could not cover all of them. We identified some children who are not attending school because of books and pencils and we are going to mobilize books to give them by the beginning of next term.
We left that place this evening much encouraged by church members. At 2am we are going to board a bus to another district of Kotido and reach out to two communities there and the n connect to Moroto district. We appointed a brother by the name of Obadia to become the RABS district coordinator of Kaabong district. He has been very instrumental in organizing our transportation, welfare, translating and visiting the villages we ministered to after we had gone.
I yearned to keep you updated daily but there was no network and internet, besides we were so busy and involved from the onset to the end. I got this as we are waiting for the bus to start off the journey. Mama Eve is sending her greetings to all of you.
12/9/2018 Shalom with Sunday greetings mummy. I secured some photos of the first three days from the sister we went with. We then went to Kotido and I went to another village and delivered this half sack of clothes to one of the church members. We did not take part in the distribution here because we wanted to be in time for the taxi that would take us to Moroto district.
This morning we attended service in the church of our host pastor. After we both ministered a man who appeared to be a lunatic gave his life to Christ. To our amazement this guy corrected people who were translating. He was speaking sense. He stayed longer and we shared a meal conversing with him. This church was so stirred up and announced three days of prayer and fasting starting tomorrow. In the evening we are going to visit another village
I want to mobilize for books, pens and pencils and take them at the start of first term in February. The lady at far right got saved during our last mission last year and is now active in church. We spent Friday travelling to Moroto district. On Saturday we first went to a school where we were to distribute the books and some clothes we had brought.
In the evening we went to a distant village and we were warmly welcomed. This village has nine manyattas with a population of more than four hundred people. Thanks to God, the church meets under a tree. A manyatta is a collection of families staying closely together in a homestead of at least 20 huts enclosed with wooden branches for security.
Tomorrow we are going to another remote village so bound by demonic powers. The ruling spirits in that are said to manifest in form of a flying and talking serpent, a woman with one breast. A sister who has just got a hut to reside in while in that place has reported appearance of a skeleton like figure to her children while alone at home. Saturday night the same appeared to her on the way home with her children but this time she rebuked it and it disappeared.
This sister Evelyn is going to lead RABS and Barefoot Garden Fellowships in this mountainous community. The Lord has particularly confirmed to this lady and the church leaders that He wants to save this community and that these ministers had tarried long without reaching out to the village.
The whole of Karamoja has experienced a long day season. Everywhere we went it was too dry but as soon as we concluded today’s church service, it started raining. PRAISE THE LORD!
12/16/2018 Shalom and Calvary greetings mummy. I bless the mercies of the Lord who enabled us conclude Karamoja mission well on Friday. In My last communication we were going to our last village which was spiritually challenging.
We thank you and the entire RABS and Barefoot Garden fellowship family who prayed for us mightily and effectively. Indeed, we were like scouts and we purposed not to preach but devote ourselves entirely to prayer in spiritual warfare. As we were continuing, members of this village came by themselves and asked to join us. We welcomed them and two of them gave their lives to Christ as we were concluding. We didn’t get any direct attack except the motorcycle that was taking us developed mechanical problems and we survived falling off twice as we were going. After prayers the motorcycle could not take us back. We walked the entire eight-kilometers journey back except mummy Eve and the host pastor who were picked halfway through the journey. Two children of the lady who was confirmed by the Holy Spirit to lead that fellowship developed serious diarrhea that day but got healed by the close of the day. AMEN!
It’s amazing when you let the Holy Spirit have his way. One lady who was praying with us all through the three days gave us testimony about her son who is a drug addict, unruly and one time assaulted her. The boy always abused her and harassed her tenants. She found the boy at home after prayers and for the first time he kept quiet and listened to her mother as she counselled her. He even fetched water for her.
Another elder had a mental problem but felt much relieved after two days of prayer. This same man offered to get one day of the week and visit the first village and teach the children some basic English and arithmetic. The children in this village don’t have a school at all. He agreed to volunteer if we could get him a cheap chalk-board, box of chalk, then books and pencils/pens for the children. We traveled throughout the night and reached Kampala in the morning of Friday, December 14, 2018. Upon arriving at home, I found my Papa in a sorry state. He was very weak, dizzy, with no appetite and having some cough. I am trying to help him be stable. He needs much of my time, care and patience but God is faithful.
I am encouraged by the testimony in all the centers and villages we visited in Kaabong, Kotido and Moroto districts. We appointed RABs coordinator in Kaabong district and Moroto district. We also started fellowships in Loleria A and Loleria B of Kaabong district plus Aworob and Musas villages of Moroto district. The director of Nawanatau primary School invited us to start monthly fellowship in the school.
We thank God for the facilitation but most importantly the prayer and parental cover extended to us throughout the entire mission from mummy Cyndi and the entire RABS family. I am set to mobilize for scholastic materials specifically for the village children in which we started fellowships to be availed to them by the beginning of first term next year in February 2019.
Much grateful for Mama Cyndi, Pastor Milton, and the entire RABS family.
Denis Plkw Muwanguzi and Rev. Eve Clive Nansereko
You can help send these children to school by donating for the purchase of pencils, pens, and text books: Apostle Denis said: “I want to mobilize for books, pens and pencils and take them at the start of first term in February 2019.” Before you view the photo gallery below, please consider donating to help educate these children in remote areas. Education is FREE but they must come to every term with their own pencils, pens, and current text books or they are denied educations.