

RAB INTERNATIONAL TEAM TANZANIA AND MALAWI AUGUST 2017 Left to Right, Pastor Milton RAB Africa Coordinator, Bishop Wilfred Barasa, RAB Kenya National Director, Rev. Eve Clive Nansereko, RAB Uganda Associate National Director and RAB East Africa Women’s Director, Apostle Moses Bwire, RAB East Africa Interpreter, Pastor Cyndi Higgins, RAB President & International Director, Gervas Mwanyila, RAB Tanzania National Director
These photos are only a few of our Kenya RAB Volunteers that have been actively bringing back the brides of Christ since Pastor Cyndi’s visit in August 2014. Whenever she is nearby in Uganda or in Kenya, the RAB Kenya family comes to greet her and support her and the International RAB Team in the missions.
These photos are only a few of our Kenya RAB Volunteers that have been actively bringing back the brides of Christ since Pastor Cyndi’s visit in August 2014. Whenever she is nearby in Uganda or in Kenya, the RAB Kenya family comes to greet her and support her and the International RAB Team in the missions.


The Lord led us to start ministering in Kenya in June 2013 and since then, thousands have returned to Jesus Christ and we have seen many of their lost loved ones receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Churches throughout East Africa are growing. Some have grown so fast since 2014, they had to build on to their existing structures or rent larger facilities. PRAISE THE LORD!

RABS Faith Assignment, “Bringing back the brides of Christ,” has reached into Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Somalia, and DRC-Congo.

RAB AFRICA CONTACT is Pastor Milton Wanyamas RABS Africa Coordinator you may email him at info@run-away-brides-ministries.com       The Following Photos are a quick and small view of this past RABS International Mission during our RABS International Mission’s Trips to Kenya and Uganda in February 2018.  The Lord willing, we will be ministering in more  East African Nations and hosting more International RAB Conferences. We can only GLORIFY the LORD for the work He has accomplished! 

Wilson Airport-Nairobi Kenya January 29, 2018. Pastor Milton Wanyama and Pastor Cyndi Higgins enjoy a few hours of catching up after 10 straight days of ministering at RAB Conferences and Crusades.
Apostle Moses Bwire, RAB East Africa Interpreter and Pastor Cyndi Higgins preaching in Shimo La Tewa, a Mombasa County small city in the Coastal Province.
Mombasa County Kenya February 2018, Bishop Wilfred Barasa, RAB Kenya National Director and Pastor Milton Wanyama, RAB Africa Coordinator hosted by Pastor Jonathan
Rev. Eve Clive Nansereko teaching RABS and Apostle Moses Bwire interpreting in Bungoma, Kenya February 17, 2018
RABS International Music Minister: Godfrey Mokonangai (white jacket); he is a Producer, Composer, Songwriter, He is called Moko (Marco) by most people, along side of him (right) is Bishop Wilfred Barasa RAB Kenya National Director–Kenya February 2018
(right) Songwriter and Gospel Artist, Carol Nyar Kochogo of Nairobi Kenya and (left)Gospel Artist and songwriter, Viola Mwende of Mombasa Kenya; RAB International Gospel Singers


We are all VOLUNTEERS! None of the pastors, bishops, and Christian leaders that are taking this faith assignment, “Bringing back the brides of Christ,” are paid for their RAB involvement. However, there are expenses for travel, food and water, books, and sometimes lodging if host families cannot accommodate us. In some areas we visit, the conditions are too unsafe and we must stay inside commercial facilities with walls and security. Please consider helping us with any amount the Lord puts on  your heart, so that we can continue sending these well trained volunteers into the field to bring back runaway brides and introduce Jesus in some remote areas where He has not yet been shared.

Thank you for your generous gift it is truly appreciated and 100% of your donation will go toward the Kingdom work in Africa.