Dear Beloveds:
We thank the Lord because He saw us through all the trouble we endured during this unprecedented year 2020. We are blessed with a few milling jobs and new ones being promised along with a good Fall harvest in Uganda.
We continue to concentrate our efforts in milling the best Maize Flour and offering it at the lowest retail price possible to help our struggling community and to maintain the milling company as well as pay our expenses.
We feel confident that 2021 is bringing with it more HOPE with eliminating the devastating losses due to COVID19 and loss of lives, jobs, schooling, and businesses all over the world. Unfortunately, Covid19 has left in its path more orphans than usual in the East African Nations RABS ministers in. Since lockdowns have kept our missionaries close to home, it had been hard to know what was happening in the remote villages, mountainous regions, and refugee camps where we do much of our work.
In October 2020, the restrictions were lifted in Uganda and DRC and limited lifting in Kenya, this has allowed us to do some investagations and see how our beloveds are doing after seven long months of no outside contact. We are still gathering in information and will do our best to share it with our donors and our prayer partners as soon as we can.
Thank you for being a partner with RABS International Ministries. Please remember we are a nonprofit organization, therefore, any donation that you make is tax deductable for our USA donors. God bless you all and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts because even though some of you suffered very difficult losses in 2020, you still managed to give to help with the COVID19 Relief program we engaged in during the last half of 2020 in some of the East African Nations.
Respectively yours,
Pastor Cindy Deiters-Higgins (aka Pastor Cyndi Higgins)
THE MILL’S STORY: The very first day the Mill’s machines began running, a runaway bride of Jesus Christ came back to Him. She was Christian but when life got so hard that she had no food for herself or her children, she converted to Islam, because they promised her they would feed her and her children and pay for the children’s school fees. This is how so many Christians are lured away from Jesus. We praise God, she heard the machines running and stopped to see what this was. The pastors there witnessed to her and she came running back to Jesus’ opened arms. Glory to God! We have learned from this that the church must pay closer attention to the brides and attend to their needs—we cannot let Satan snatch God’s children because we are not being vigilant watchmen!

I bought a motorcycle over a year ago for RABS to

be the first bike in RABS Motor Cycle Taxi business, but it has proven to be priceless in how we have used it to get about in all of our milling preparations including now as a delivery vehicle for the Maize Flour. Many customers place their orders but we must make the deliveries. We also use bicycle delivery boys. We are believing God for a small truck in the near future to increase our delivery time by taking multiple deliveries each time.

The whole purpose of the Milling Project is a way to generate a sustainable income to help support RABS Africa’s missions and our missionaries travel expenses as they work in Uganda, Kenya, DR-Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Malawi, and Tanzania—bringing back the brides of Christ (backsliders) and presenting Jesus to many for their first time as well as training pastors and Christian leaders how to be sensitive and lovingly evangelize those runaways of Christ (RABS) and usher them back to Jesus and His Church.
Beloveds, in addition to financing some of the ministry’s expenses, we are also using the Milling Project to feed some of the most vulnerable people, mostly women and children and the elderly in the four zones of Kasokoso—it is a 140-acre suburb of Kampala with more than 300,000 people crammed into 4 zones and some slum-areas are beyond acceptance by any humanitarian’s standards. I HAVE MUCH MORE TO TELL YOU AND I WANT TO ASK FOR YOUR HELP.
Some might think that RABS International Ministries faith assignment, “Bringing back the brides of Christ” mission’s in East Africa and feeding some of the most vulnerable in Kasokoso Uganda would be enough for one small group of people. But God looks at things differently than we do. Just when we felt we had accomplished much with the Mill up and running, the LORD gave us another assignment under the “RABS International Ministries” umbrella. He has assigned a ‘Humanitarian Assignment.”

In Uganda, Kenya, and DR-Congo, where RABS is very active is a UN Refugee Camps’ Crisis. There are just over 2-million refugees now living in refugee camps in these three countries and Ethiopia as well. RABS ministers have received a mandate from our Lord to help with the crisis in Uganda and Kenya Refugee Camps. There is a terrible shortage of FOOD and BASIC NEEDS, like coal for cooking and keeping warm—proper toilets—proper education—abuse and rape—malnutrition with the youngest and the eldest residents in some of the refugee camps.
Our Lord has shown us that we can help by suppling some Maize (corn) flour to these camps if we can find financial partners to help us purchase the corn to mill it. We are willing as RABS Leaders to mill the corn ourselves reducing the labor cost to just having one hired-milling-supervisor on the premises. We could send truckloads of flour into the camps with your help. With your help we can do more than feed these refugees, which is mostly women and children. If we can boost our sales in Kampala with those added funds, we could help pay for building supplies for proper toilets. With your help we can try to partner with the UNCHR and other organizations involved and make a real difference to improve these beloveds situation.
These South Sudanese refugees living in these refugee camps are just like you and me. They are wives, husbands, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, teachers, farmers, mechanics, nurses—expelled from their country torn apart by civil war—a war also against Christians—that’s what they have most in common with us—Many Christians throughout the years have been killed or mutilated, because they will not deny Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
I know many of you are skeptical about giving to charitable organizations. You don’t know if your donation actually goes to the ones who need it. I truly understand. You don’t know these people in charge–that’s true.
But can I make one personal appeal? Thank you—I tell you though you don’t know any of these—you know me. That’s why I am asking you to help—help me—help them. I need you as my friend and as my family and as a ministry partner.
An Excerpt from a current UNHCR report: “Amid increasing violence and deteriorating conditions, the situation in South Sudan has escalated to a full-blown humanitarian emergency. The total number of South Sudanese refugees has now passed 2 million, it is the largest refugee crisis in Africa, and the third largest in the world, after Syria and Afghanistan.”
I know that all of you will want to give something, believe me when I say truly anything you give will make a difference. Many of you belong to churches and other organizations that are known for giving for charitable causes especially humanitarian causes, I pray you will share our need with them and they will give to RABS as well.
Thank you so very much and God Bless you!
Sister and Friend;
Pastor Cyndi Higgins
RABS International Ministries
577 Alta Dale Ave SE
Ada, MI 49301